The CLA is the membership organisation for owners of land, property and businesses in rural England and Wales. They have excellent access to ministers and decision-makers and lobby effectively to protect the interests of members. They also provide members with professional advice. The CLA speaks for everyone who believes in a living and working countryside.
Anyone with an interest in the countryside can join the CLA. As the focus of their lobbying activity and advice is on those who own rural land and the ability to make a living from it, the majority of members are landowners. However, CLA membership offers a range of benefits for professionals and business men and women working in the rural community, as well as those who are simply interested in rural life.
If you own rural land and property
The CLA exists to help you protect and make the most out of what you own. They believe in defending land now and for future generations, whilst ensuring members understand their landowning rights and responsibilities which are varied and can change.
If you run a rural business
CLA can help you to cut your costs, and their specialist advice and practical support will make it easier for you to run your business more effectively. Membership gives you the opportunity to find new customers and CLA’s successful lobbying activity directly benefits you.
If you are a professional working in the rural sector
Whether you are a sole practitioner, a partner in a rural practice or large national firm, you will know only too well the challenges and opportunities facing landowners and their advisers. The CLA is committed to fighting for the rural economy. you’re not currently a CLA member and are interested in joining, please email, call 020 7235 0511 or visit to find out more.