Is now the time to review your healthcare arrangements?

During my time as Director of CLA Healthcare, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting CLA members at various events, regional shows and speaking with them regularly on the phone. One of the questions I’m often asked is ‘‘I’m in a buying group for my healthcare cover: won’t my premiums go up if I go elsewhere?’’.

Well the answer is not necessarily. Clearly there may be advantages to sourcing a service – healthcare or otherwise – through a buying group that might not be achieved elsewhere. But my response to members who ask this question is always ‘’when did you last review your healthcare policy?’’.

Invariably, they haven’t. They feel assured that by being part of a collective group, they will be accessing the best level of cover for the best price. That may be the case, but I would always encourage a quick review to check that the policy you have in place continues to offer the right level of cover for an appropriate price.

In the same way that it pays to shop around for your car insurance or home insurance, the healthcare insurance market too is competitive and constantly changing. So it makes sense to review your policy annually to check you’re covered for the things you need and aren’t paying for things you don’t.

Here are some simple questions to ask yourself:

  1. First and foremost, when was the last time you reviewed your arrangements?
  2. Do you know what you are actually covered for?
  3. And knowing that, does this level of cover continue to suit you and offer you what you need?
  4. Are you covered for a private room in hospital should you require treatment?
  5. Could you reduce your premium without reducing your cover?
  6. Does your health cover provide you with any other benefits?

If you’re not sure on the answers, then it’s probably time for a review.


Dedicated healthcare services for CLA members

The good news is that as a member benefit, CLA Healthcare offers to review members’ existing Private Medical Insurance options at no cost. Last year, we saved CLA members on average 19% on their annual healthcare premium.

“As a member of the CLA, I am delighted that I was introduced to you. You have negotiated on my behalf a significant discount to the existing premium without even needing to change the insurer and without any loss of cover. I appreciated your knowledge and integrity and would be happy to recommend your service.”

– CLA member, South East region


Find out more

Contact CLA Healthcare on 01274 717361, email to find out more.

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